
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Semester ended... Lesson Learnt!

Final's done... Semester's over...
overall i am glad and satisfied with everything...
With the type of course i've chose..
with the things im learning and learnt so far...
with the college i've chosen...

am glad that the course i've chosen was one of God's Will 4 me...
and for that i have the inner peace coz im also on the Right track!!

learning psychology is fun!!
many things can be applied in my own life...
having the knowledge of why people do what they do is amazing... (it's like able to understand them without asking them y...)

But one of the things i've learnt and am longing to share is this....

Type of Attachment Style with their caregiver during infant & how it has the impact on an individual's relationship life in the future...

All in all there are 3 Attachment Style:
  • Avoidant Attachment Style- With Distant & Aloof Caregiver
  • Anxious or Ambivalent Style- With Inconsistent &Overbearing Caregiver
  • Secure Attachment Style- Responsive & Caring Caregiver
so any individual will fall in any of the three category depending on the type of relationship they had with their caregiver... but the best Attachment Style will be the secure attachment style coz that individual will grow up to be a confident individual who will venture into a relationship thinking that he/she is worthy and precious and should only deserve the BEST!!!

However, i can't stop thinking that EVERYONE CAN FALL INTO THE 3RD CATEGORY!! Cause every1 do have a Responsive & Caring Caregiver which is no one else but JESUS himself.... it's all depending on how you look at it.... Whether agree or not, YES! JESUS DO CARE! & HE IS THE GREATEST CAREGIVER IN THE WORLD...!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Key 2 Success & Failure...

Often times, you would have heard various people suggesting different ways to Success!!
But now i am here to tell u honestly that 'I Do  not know what the key to Success is but the key to FAILURE is always trying to please EVERYONE!!!' 

Do bear in mind that our purpose in life is only to Please God....
Trying to make everyone else happy only drains out the energy from u...
Speaking from experience, now i have gone to an extend that nothing else matters except making sure that Our Father in Heaven is  Pleased with what i do... 

In case ur not aware, even Jesus couldn't Please everyone, as He was doing the work of God!!
There were always a few group of people who were against Him... So my question to u is... If Jesus Himself couldn't do it, what makes you think that u can...??

So, rejoice always in all circumstances...Despite what others think of you.. Their opinion doesn't matter.. Cause, Our Purpose in life is not to Please Men but to Please God... 

But also bear in mind, that these doesn't gives u the liberty to do whatever ... Coz there is a God Above u who is watching you at all times... & His Grace Period doesn't last forever... 

Walk Righteously in God's Sight... & You will be Blessed... 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who Do U Want to be...

Moses was the most humblest Man on earth, He was the only in this whole earth who had actually saw the face of God and still lived...

David, Was the man after God's own heart... he was God's favorite musician for as he sing, it was like a sweet incense to God's ears....

Abraham, was called the Father of Faith by God... Simply Because He left his home & trusted God to lead him where ever despite the fact that he didn't know where he was going....

Noah, Demonstrated Obedience... Regardless of the whole world being against him, He just trusted & obeyed God's instruction to build a big humongous ARK!!!

So my question to you now is... WHO R U BEFORE GOD??
Who do you think God view you in His Sight...??
Do you think God is smiling at you now or is He sad...?  

Whatever it is, juz know that he is a God who loves You & would never want to let go of your Hand!!!
Regardless of who we are... He still loves us all the same... 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Inner Beauty...

Keeping this person's identity Confidential, (lol...)
He said this, 'Guys Don't really care of the inner Beauty of a girl, so take care & maintain to be pretty always'

hmmmmmm.... Pondering over those few words, IT STRUCK ME!! 'THAT SHOULDN'T BE THE WAY!!!'
Hello.............. if every1 is going to fall for any1 as long as they r PRETTY & BEAUTIFUL, 
then life might not turn out to be as Pretty & Beautiful like it should
Coz THAT AINT LOVE!!! There's more to L.O.V.E than Physical Beauty...

As said in 1 Peter 3:3-4~  
3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.
4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

So Guys & Gals... When ur going to choose ur future FiancĂ©e, Don't juz look for Pretty Face But look 4 Pretty Attitude & Personality...

For its not going to be the Pretty Face of ur partner that's going to decide whether u'll be Happy in the future
But the INNER BEAUTY of ur partner.... 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Prayer: The Ultimate Timesaver.

“That's why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large.  Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you'll get God's everything.”  Mark 11:24 MSG

   When we are faced with a task or challenge of any kind, the Lord wants us to ask Him for help right away.  If we don't, we could spend fruitless hours trying to accomplish something that could be done in only minutes with God's help.  Moses, the great man of God, prayed, “Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 NLT)  In the sight of God, time is precious, and He knows that one of the best timesavers is prayer.  When we call on the Lord in prayer when we have a need, we are “making the most of our time.”  As believers, we are not called to be busy.  We are called to be fruitful and productive.  And God has arranged it so that in order for us to be truly productive, we must depend on His involvement.

   Jesus told His disciples:  “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.  I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5 NIV)  Our union and communion with Christ enable us to do things with His help that we could never accomplish on our own.  The world's system teaches us to stand on our own, to be our own man (or woman), and to be independent.  But that's not God's way.  We are told to “abide” or “remain” in Him at all times.  That means that we depend on Him for everything, and we consult Him in everything.  We don't make a move without Him.  Christ is our example.  He said:  “I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, of My own accord--but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]...” (John 5:30 AMP)  If anyone had a right to have an independent spirit, it was Christ.  But He didn't.  He relied on the Father continually, and we should, too.  Otherwise, as the Lord says, we will “do nothing.”  Nothing of any real or eternal value, that is.

   Prayer is not only a big factor in making the most of our time, but also in being productive.  Jesus said:  “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.  This is to My Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples.” (John 15:7-8 NIV)  A disciple of Christ who is walking in the perfect will of God prays “without ceasing”. (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NKJV)  He commits all of his endeavors to the Lord, and He trusts Him for His help. (Psalm 37:5 NLT)  He meditates on the Word of God “day and night,” until it becomes planted deep inside of him. (Psalm 1:2-3)  And he bears "fruit that will last" for all eternity--fruit that glorifies God. (John 15:16) 

   If prayer is the ultimate timesaver, then prayerlessness is the ultimate time waster.  From now on, don't squander your time.  Make the most of it by calling on God and opening the door to all of the magnificent resources of Heaven!

   Lord, forgive me for all of the times that I neglected to call on You for help when I had a need.  Remind me that when I reach out to You in large matters or small, I'm not "bothering" You, but I'm obeying You.  Thank You that as I invite your involvement into everything I do, I will produce abundant fruit for Your glory!

I think that everyone of us should take some time off to evaluate our relationship with God. We should not only think of Him when we are going through tough times. Ain't that unfair? Think about it.

May God bless all souls who believe in Him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Everything happens for a reason...

Have u gone through or going through a period of time, where u gave up in watever u do...
Things don't happen the way u expected it to...
it has gone beyond ur control & somehow u juz can't find the explanation Y...??

& then u began to wonder, Have i done the right thing...?
Have i gone out of the Will of God..?
Did i not hear from God...?
is God still watching over me or has He Given up on me...

Well, im here to encourage u once more THAT GOD IS STILL HERE!!
He will never give up on u even if u have given up on urself...

juz remember, that sometimes in life, God allows certain things to happen so that we may overcome & grow from it!!!
so that it can be used for the glorification of God's name...

God is our Daddy!!! Which father do u know of that the he will do bad for the child he love!!
NONE!! Wat more our Heavenly Father... He knows watz BEST for each of His Child!!
Even sometimes, if u think this is best or that is best 4 me!!! God still knows BETTER!!
So... let us not try to teach God... But juz follow Christ Blindly...!!
For u should know that even if u walk in the deepest jungle or in the darkest valley, God is right there beside u...

No matter how bad the circumstances may seem... JUZ REMEMBER...
That u r not holding on to HIM, But HE is holding on to u!!!
& u have the assurance that when He is holding on to u, HE WILL NEVER LET U GO LOST!!!

Have a Blessed Day... ;D

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Inspiration comes From God...

I've juz realized this....
Inspiration DO Come from God...

last time, when i read my bible everyday..
i'll always have something to post about...
Now as i seldom read the bible, i've got no words nor inspiration to write about anything...

so its TRUE!! the more u read your BIBLE, all the more u'll gain WISDOM!! 
Not only in this, but also in other field of ur Life...
You'll know how to SPEAK wisely, STUDY smartly, & BEHAVE carefully...

I've noticed, as i lack in reading my bible everyday, I've been talking alot without thinking...
many times i've regret over the things i've said.. & how i behaved!!!
so its clear... READ UR BIBLE EVERYDAY & U'll have enough WISDOM to live a life pleasing to God... =)