ever wondered y... ;D
y not from the skull?
or from the feet?
Y A RIB??? ^^
well u'll be amazed..!
because He chose part of a man that is not above them, so that we would not step on men or push them around!
not a part below the men, so that they won't step on women or push us around!
BuT hE ChOsE a riB... a rIB BeCAUSe....
it is the closest to the men's heart, so that they would LOVE US!!!
it is located under their arms, so they would PROTECT US!!!
& it is also located at the side of the body, so that a MAN & a WOMAN can WALK SIDE BY SIDE with each other!!!
cool eh...
there is always a reason y God created us in a very special way...!!!
so if ur wondering y God created U the way u R now...
ask God, he'll tell u y!! ;D
but still dun have the answer of Y GOD CREATED MENs WITH DUST...
haha... mAybe U MENs cAN FIGuRe It oUT!!! CoZ I cAn't... ;D
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