most of the time when we use the term "SPEAK"
we expect God to talk to us in a LOUD VOICE... well at least i do...
but do u know...
God tries to reach us in His Still Small Voice 1st..
if we still can't hear Him, then He will reach us in many other ways that we may hear Him...
in the story of Elijah, when He was up on the mountain seeking God...
there was GREAT & POWERFUL WIND that tore up the mountains apart,
then there was an EARTHQUAKE... but GOD WAS NOT IN THE EARTHQUAKE too...
after the earthquake came a FIRE, but God was not there either
& after the fire came a GENTLE WHISPER... & THERE HE WAS!!!!
the bible says:
"You will seek me & find me,
when u seek me with all Your Heart....
I will be found by you," declares the Lord =)

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