One of the lies of the enemy which almost most Christian has believed is THIS. 'God Will Never Put More on Us Than We Can Handle'
but in fact, its actually the exact opposite... in real life, God WILL put more things on us than we can actually handle!
its when we have lost our Hope is when God will choose to work! to remind us,THAT HE IS OUR HOPE! Its when we have no more strength is when God chooses to work even MIGHTIER! to remind us OUR STRENGTH COMES FROM GOD!
the lifes we live, its not about HOW MUCH WE CAN DO FOR GOD, but rather its HOW MUCH GOD CAN DO THROUGH US....
God will indeed put more things in our life, than we can handle so that when all things fall apart or when u think u can't do it anymore, U WILL WHOLLY DEPEND ON GOD! TO TRUST GOD!that all things will end well...
And also, WHEN ALL THINGS DO END WELL.. We won't boast on ourselves or on any other things BUT will BOAST ON JESUS CHRIST!!!
Every thing that we go through in this world, either GOOD or BAD... ITS FOR THE GLORIFICATION OF THE NAME OF OUR LORD.... :)
Going around & telling people that Jesus is the answer!! Jesus is the Way is not the only way we can Share the Gospel... Ever heard of the phrase "Action Speaks Louder Than Words"??
we may be telling every1 that Jesus is Real & Jesus is GOD but it may not have any effect on them if our BEHAVIOR & ACTION doesn't walk align with our Faith.. FOR ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS!!
Living in this World, the way we Talk, The way we behave, WILL HAVE AN EFFECT ON SOME PEOPLE, whether aware or not, u may CONSTANTLY B OBSERVED by others simply because u r carrying the name THE CHILD OF GOD WIT U!!!
Juz remember, Talking is not the only way u can plant a seed in an unbeliever's heart!! juz living ur life accordingly to How God wants u to behave will also Plant a Seed in an Unbeliever's heart!!
so live ur life everyday, Having a fear Of God and remembering that through ur LIFESTYLE TODAY, U CAN TOUCH A LIFE!!
another year has gone by & another year had COME!! Many challenges & struggles awaits us in 2010!! another 365 days to live in which it gives us an opportunity to glorify God!!!
even as a new year begins... let us embrace this new year with a NEW HOPE that God will do GREAT THINGS in 2010!! Changes are happening around us, & let us move on with Faith that God will bring Great Growth in2 our CHURCH & in2 our LIFES!!!
Whatever dreams & desire u have, May it come to past with God's Guidance!!! juz remember...
Seeing is not believing but Believing is Seeing!!!