
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Action Speakes Louder Than Words...

Going around & telling people that Jesus is the answer!! Jesus is the Way
is not the only way we can Share the Gospel...
Ever heard of the phrase "Action Speaks Louder Than Words"??

we may be telling every1 that Jesus is Real & Jesus is GOD
but it may not have any effect on them if our BEHAVIOR & ACTION doesn't walk align with our Faith..

Living in this World, the way we Talk, The way we behave, WILL HAVE AN EFFECT ON SOME PEOPLE,
whether aware or not, u may CONSTANTLY B OBSERVED by others simply because u r carrying the name THE CHILD OF GOD WIT U!!!

Juz remember,  Talking is not the only way u can plant a seed in an unbeliever's heart!!
juz living ur life accordingly to How God wants u to behave will also Plant a Seed in an Unbeliever's heart!!

so live ur life everyday, Having a fear Of God 
and remembering that through ur LIFESTYLE TODAY, U CAN TOUCH A LIFE!!

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