This is not our Home,, We are Just passing through...
Heaven is OUR HOME...
and Thus,We can't be doing or following what other Young people do...
We can't be saying what normal people would say...
We shouldn't even be thinking what normal people would think...
Coz we are Called to be EXTRAORDINARY!!!
By Simply reading the 1st two paragraph,
U may think to yourself.. 'This is impossible!' 'This is HARD!'
But this is simply a lie that many young people now choose to believe.
God wouldn't have asked us to be extraordinary if he knew that it was impossible
IT IS POSSIBLE!!! All things are possible through Christ Jesus who strengthen us...
But the question now is that whether 'R We Really Relying On God 2 Provide Us With the Strength We Need '
R We Really Dwelling in the Presence of God At all times so that we can Rest Peacefully in the Shadow of the Almighty
Strength of God only comes to us when we fully rely on God.!
It only comes to us if we tell & ask God that we need it!
Yes i know... Going against the tide is not easy...
Its not easy to say No when the Whole world is saying Yes!
Its not easy to NOT DO what the whole world is doing!
Its not easy to NOT THINK the way the people of this world think!
But do bear in mind, that we are not in these alone...
There is a God bigger than the Universe who is on our side guiding us & carrying us through it all...
So when u are among a group of friends..
Be proud that ur the different one..
Be proud that ur the only one shining the light among the darkest moment.
Be proud coz ur not of the Ordinary But U R EXTRAORDINARY!!!

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